Friday, March 9, 2012


Dear Ortonites, in my 1st post i wanna tell you that Randy has NOT facebook account but you can follow him on twitter .
I'm proud to say that he's following me on twitter (that was the best day of my whole life) and I hope i will convince Randy to post here sometimes ;) wish me good luck ;)) ! Bisous! Love y'all ! Randy's match vs Daniel Bryan...

@RandyOrton : "WWE magazine in stands now with yours truly on the cover. "

There's a little conversation on twitter between Randy and one of his fans:
@AJWillmes7 " What's Ur Opinion With People On Fb MAking you Look Bad
@RandyOrton " how can they make me look bad when everyone knows I've never had a Facebook?"
So don't get excited when someone on Facebook says that he's the real Randy Orton. 
@RandyOrton : ""
@RandyOrton : "No, Im NOT sick, but the person(s) making the fake Facebook page(s) probably are, so yes AND no!"

Sweet things:
 @RandyOrton : " I'd love a son, hell I'd love another daughter! The rumor is that I already have the son. Unfortunately not true."

Things From Ortonites: 
 @FIREMAXONLINE : " also you have been described as "best in your generation", they probably aren't even the best at serving the fries at their jobs"
@Portuguese_T : " I've seen so many posers of you, Sam, and Alanna on Facebook, it disgusts me. These "fans" really go to the extreme, its creepy"
@PostmortemPunk : "its crazy how just over a year ago would change the channel whenever you were on tv & now your one of the reasons i still watch "

Monday night RAW (3/12/12) Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger
 Swagger and Orton engage in chain wrestling before Orton takes control of the contest. Orton dropkicks Swagger and throws him over the top rope. Orton gets out of the ring and whips Swagger into the steel steps then repeatedly bounces his head off of the announcer’s table. Orton throws Swagger back into the ring and follows behind. 
 Swagger has Orton in a submission, but Orton battles back to control with blows to Swagger’s face. Swagger boots Orton in the face and takes him down with a tackle to the knee. Swagger starts to work over Orton’s left leg with various maneuvers. Orton punches Swagger in the face and fights out of a submission, but Swagger catches Orton and scoops slams him. Swagger attempts the Swagger Bomb, but Orton ducks out of the way.
Swagger applies the Ankle Lock, but Orton reverses the hold. Orton positions Swagger on the top turnbuckle and superplexes Swagger. Orton goes into his signature offense, which leads to the hangman’s DDT. Orton RKO’s Swagger for the win.
Post-match Orton goes towards the ring post to celebrate his win, but fire erupts from the ring post.

a fb imposter wrote a status asking 4 2 fans to spend 2days w/ him. i wrote on it so many times he deleted it! Randy wudb proud!